Push Notifications: Boost Conversions


What we built

A new channel for brands to communicate with their customers through opt-out push notifications.


Why we built it

Push notifications are the highest converting communication channel in e-com. NovelPass integrates directly with Apple and Google wallet to deliver the power of push notifications without the pain of downloading an app. Brands need a new channel that cuts through the noise of crowded email and SMS inboxes. NovelPass push notifications offer an easy, lightweight method for doing so.


It's all in the details

With NovelPass you can open up a new channel for your brand and send push notifications in minutes. Brands can schedule campaigns and segment customers by tier, customer tags, # of referrals, email lists, and more. Allowing brands to truly personalize their customers' experience.

With a staggering 28x higher click-through rate compared to email, our push notifications are the game-changer your e-commerce brand needs. For those already leveraging this tool, we're seeing a 346% increase in the number of conversions compared to legacy communication channels and a 173% increase in the number of customers engaging with their loyalty portal.


What you can do with it

Experience the Novel difference today and open up a brand new communication channel that’s more personal, more potent, and more profitable. Your e-commerce brand deserves to stand out. Boost participation in your loyalty program increasing LTV.


Case Study: Freedom Rave Wear


Wallet Pass Install: Fast, Easy, Powerful.